With Grateful Hearts

Happy Thanksgiving!

Like many of you, we are looking back with hearts full of gratitude for what the Lord has done over the last year. Countless lives have been touched, the impact of which is immeasurable. Families have been changed, and hope has been given.

Here is a bit of the last year in review…don’t worry, mostly photos!

365 days ago, we had no idea how we were going to raise the funds for the vision the Lord had put in our hearts for a new Rehabilitation Center in Kenya. In fact, we had started to second guess the timing. We had thought we heard Him say we were going to start in January of 2024, but by the first of December, we only had $35,000 of the $250,000 needed. But three weeks later, before Christmas, the Lord had miraculously provided the funding needed! Below are some of the recent photos of the project. Lord willing, it will be finished by the end of March.

Help us Equip the new Rehabilitation Center!

The clinic at Litein Hospital has been open just over a year now, and we added a new product to our lineup. These legs are made with components designed with recycled plastic…great for our patients and the environment. And they look great too!

WHEELCHAIRS! We see many children with cerebral palsy so when Litein approached us with the opportunity to buy a container of wheelchairs (at only $15/chair) for a new wheelchair program, we knew we had to try. YOU answered and many people, including many children who never owned a wheelchair, have received not only the chair, but a Bible and a message of the hope of the gospel! We even delivered wheelchairs to Mfangano Island, in Lake Victoria, where the need is great.

Make a year end donation to help support this ministry all year!

BIBLES! For many people in Kenya, owning a Bible is a luxury they can’t afford. Because of your support we were able to help the small village church we attend with Bibles for the children and some Sunday school materials for the children.

There is so much more we are grateful for, the Lord has blessed us and this ministry greatly this past year. It’s not always easy, but He is Good!

Give to Ripe for Harvest to support the monthly needs of this ministry.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1-3