Loaded down with 31 wheelchairs waiting to be assembled, three completed legs to deliver, and supplies with which to cast patients, ten of us took off for Mfangano Island, near the Ugandan boarder in Lake Victoria, very early last Friday morning. It was a whirlwind trip as the chairs were assembled and custom fit for the recipients. The three completed legs were delivered and fitted. Steve and Austine took casts for many more that will be finished here at Litein Hospital. This was an exploratory trip to identify the need and see if there are ways we can help in the future. Let us just sum it up by saying there is a tremendous need and so many heartbreaking stories. The stigmatism of being disabled was once again reinforced as one patient shared that when he lost his leg due to cancer, his friends left him.This was due to the commonly help belief that association with a disabled person is a bad omen. Pastor Bette, a Chaplain from Litein Hospital, came along and passed out 35 Bibles to those who had never owned their own Bible before. She was able to share the gospel with each patient and their caregivers, TWO people accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, and many, many more were encouraged.
Our determination to be a light in a dark world through sharing the Good News of Jesus and restoring mobility and freedom in His name has only increased. We have seen an abundance of patients which has quickly depleted our scholarship fund. The Lord has ALWAYS provided, and we are asking once again for His help. We know that where He has opened doors, He will provide the resources.

Arriving at the island and unloading the wheelchairs.

The crowds were already waiting when we arrived. We had coordinated with local leaders for tents, chairs, and a small snack and drink for everyone.

Wheelchairs were assembled and given out, beginning with the children and elderly recipients. Most had never owned a wheelchair and had been carried by family members to the event.

This beautiful girl is 14 years old and has never had a wheelchair. She was abandoned by her mother but has been taken care of by the woman above. She was used to crawling or dragging herself across the ground. Dr. Terer had a good conversation with her and found out that she is also very smart but has not been able to go to school. Dr. Terer connected her with the village Chief and asked that she be sponsored for school. We hope and pray this happens! She was so full of smiles even after waiting on this hot day for a wheelchair!
Help share the Good News through restoring mobility

Give toward more scholarships for legs

People came by whatever means they could, mostly on motorcycle taxis. This can be dangerous and we give God thanks for His protection.
Thank you for your support!

Those from the mainland or other islands loading up after receiving their wheelchairs.