If we had to characterize this ministry with just one word, it would be the word “hope”. As our prosthetic ministry has become intertwined with the Rehabilitation department at Litein Hospital, the word hope has taken on a whole new meaning as we have broadened our scope for the differently abled through a special new program, called the HOPE Fund. We are now also helping with physical therapy for children and wheelchairs for all ages who need them.

We arrived back at the hospital last Friday. Just before arriving, we learned that Austine, the technician that we hired when we opened the clinic back in August of 2023, had resigned. He moved back to the area of Kenya where his family was from. While we were disappointed, we are grateful for his time here and his help in getting the clinic up and running. We wish him the best, and also know the this is another opportunity for us to trust God to bring us the next right person. We hope to start interviews next week to fill the position. That said, Steve isn’t entirely alone as there in an intern here that is assisting, but he is very busy! Above are photos from six patients that came all the way from Turkana, Kenya. They arrived on Sunday and it took them an entire day to travel here. They are staying at the hospital all week. We are grateful for a sponsor from the US that is helping with the cost of their new prosthetic legs. Please pray for Steve as he tries to finish them all in a timely manner to get them back to their homes.

Partner Through Giving

Above is the room where the four ladies are staying. Steve wasted no time and was busy right away!


We recently started the Hope Fund, a fund that enables parents of children with disabilities to bring their children in for physical therapy at no cost to them. It is a challenge for the families we are reaching to even be able to pay for the transportation to get to the hospital, let alone pay for needed therapy. Already this fund has reached 30 children! For just $15 an appointment, or $50 for an entire month, you can support a child to receive the life changing care they need. Not only that, but it is a means to reach these families with the love of Jesus Christ, who is the greatest hope of all.

These beautiful children are all waiting on wheelchairs that are being fitted especially for their needs. Some of them are also benefiting from the HOPE Fund, receiving much needed physical therapy. Thank you for helping us to reach these precious children with the care they need, and to encourage their families that they are not forgotten.

Help us keep the HOPE Fund going!

The Rehab Center is nearing completion!

You can see in the photo above that the walls and columns are now covered with plaster and will soon be ready for painting. The Rehab staff is more than excited to move in to this new space. The other photo is of the continued construction of the fourth floor. Praise the Lord!

As a family, we remain missionaries under Ripe for Harvest World Outreach as we also run Project Eleven Five. To help with our support, you can give to Ripe for Harvest. Your faithful giving through the years has made this ministry possible. To God be the glory! THANK YOU!

Give to Ripe for Harvest

Copyright (C) 2025 Steve and Danee Morel. All rights reserved.