We hope you all had a very blessed Christmas. It’s hard to believe another year is closing. It has been full and busy for us and we have much to look forward to in 2025. One of the things we are excited about is the newly launched Hope Fund. This is a scholarship fund we have established to help children who need physical therapy but cannot afford the help. For as little as $15, you can come alongside Litein Hospital to provide an hour of physical therapy for a child in need. Only $50 sponsors a child for an entire month of physical therapy. Early intervention can make a life changing difference for a child with a physical handicap. It can mean the difference between learning to walk, or having to depend on others. The children we hope to help would not be able to receive this type of care without someone intervening on their behalf. The greatest part is that it also gives us an opportunity to minister to the family, sharing the Good News of Jesus. Please consider partnering with us in this.
Give to help support projects like the Hope Fund and change a life!

No, those boxes above weren’t all of Steve’s Christmas presents to me! (Ha Ha!) This past fall, Steve, along with Doug Nicola, a great friend and board member, made a trip down to North Carolina to Samaritan’s Purse’s headquarters. They delivered 18 boxes of donated prosthetic supplies to be put on a container going to Litein Hospital. We are so grateful for Samaritan’s Purse amazing ministry. Please join us in praying that this container gets through customs with no problems and everything reaches the hospital in a timely manner.

Words cannot express how grateful we are, first to the Lord, for guiding us over the last 15 years to build this ministry. He is GOOD! And secondly to all of you, for answering the call with us and to be a part through your prayers and giving. We are humbled and thankful to partner with you all.
We hope and pray you have a very blessed and Happy New Year!
Steve and Danée