About Us
What began as a dream and a prayer has turned into seeing freedom restored to amputees from all over Bolivia and now in Kenya as well. It is our prayer that those who come would not be just set free physically, but also spiritually, through the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a faith-based ministry, serving all who come, regardless of faith, ethnicity, background, or any other discriminating factors.
Project ElevenFive is a 501c3, non-profit organization. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Our vision is to see mobility restored to amputees around the world who have no access to prosthetics.
In August 2016, founders Steve and Danée Morel launched Filadelfia Center for Prosthetics in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The clinic is located in Filadelfia Community Church, a key partner in the ministry in Bolivia. Because there are no schools for prosthetics in Bolivia, Steve has been training a Bolivian man, Elias Mamani, for the last seven years and he is now able to take a client from start to finish making custom commercial style prosthetics. We take donated prosthetics from the United States and up-cycle them to make new legs.
In 2020, Steve and Danée made their first scouting trip to Africa, just before the world shut down due to the pandemic. In 2021, they returned to Africa and in 2022 decided to begin the work in Kenya, where they are now working in partnership with AIC Litein Mission Hospital in Kericho County.
"The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them." — Matthew 11:5
There are three components of this ministry.

Watch this video to learn more about Filadelfia Center for Prosthetics in Cochabamba and how we began.
First, we partner locally. It is our vision to see local ownership of this ministry so that long after we have left, the work continues. We look for partners who have the same heart to serve others by being the hands and feet of Christ and are already locally established.
Second, we train and equip. This is about multiplication. We don’t want to be limited by only what we can do. This means slowing down in the beginning, but in the long run having a much bigger and longer lasting impact.
Third, this is a holistic ministry. Many people who have had amputations suffer emotionally and spiritually. This ministry is about reminding them that God sees them, and is with them. It is our goal to not just set people free through mobility, but to see them set free spiritually as well through the Good News of the gospel. We treat people with dignity, respect and honor.
With your help we will continue to grow and expand this ministry to reach more people around the world!